I have been on my diet 3 days today.. I must admit, it has been quite the challenge for me. Especially, when everything I consume for the next 90 days has to be completely organic. One never takes into consideration how unhealthy our eating habits really are. Especially in today's world, we go for convenience & not quality. I have been eating nothing but greens, nuts, and healthy soups. When I removed all the carbs that my body was used to receiving my body instantly felt weak. It was horrible. Little by little I feel more energetic. I am getting used to reaching for a piece of fruit over the unhealthy sugars that my body begs for.
I read so many stories online about infertility. It breaks my heart. As women you would think that our bodies would naturally conceive. Sadly, it's not the case for so many of us. So many unknown causes preventing us from procreating. I hope my journey isn't so difficult. I pray that we will experience what women are supposed to, the joy of being a mother...
"That is all I have to say about that........."
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