I never realized how much work would go into us trying to start a family.. Heterosexual couples don't realize how fortunate they are. I am not oblivious to the fact that some of them do in fact have obstacles to face. Infertility does not discriminate.
I am speaking more on the fact that they are blessed that they can try to conceive that little miracle each and every month. We however have the added stress of finding a potential male friend who wouldn't mind donating some of his good swimmers & there are also those who have to seek assistance at the nearest cryobank.
I am currently trying to get my body ready for pregnancy. I am on this very strict diet, The Fertility Diet. Everything for the next three months has to be completely organic. That gets a little expensive too. I also have to write down my daily temperature, CM, & weight loss. We will try our first insemination in May. My period has been irregular due to my weight gain, however I hope that with eating healthier and with regular exercise that problem corrects itself... If not, hello Metformin & Clomid.
Here is the beginning of our journey trying to conceive a beautiful baby of our own...
"That is all I have to say about that...."
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