What a difficult 18 days it's been. Yesterday, I relapsed. I ate something not organic and certainly not healthy for me. The guilt ate away at me all afternoon. I felt sick! It had nothing to do with the wonderful carbs that I had just ingested either. I was disappointed in myself. How could I come so far and do something so stupid. *sigh*
Brings me to the next topic at hand... Yesterday, they were giving a mini marathon of the show Intervention. Have any of you ever watched it? I personally love it! I sit there in complete amazement while the alcoholic chugs mouth wash, the heroine addict licks the blood from her arm after shooting up, or while the stay at home wife sprays dust remover up her nose,(yes, the spray to remove dust particle from your keyboard!) I sit there baffled, wondering how the hell anyone could get to that point.
1. Drugs are bad for you!
2. You are slowly killing yourself
3. It's an expensive habit
4. It makes you do stupid things!
5. Some resort to stealing
6. It's against the law
I can seriously go on with this list. But, I am sure you get the jest of it..
I won't deny, sometimes, I catch myself being a little judgmental. Cursing at the TV when they relapse.. And wondering WTF were they thinking going back to it.. Yesterday a little light went off in my head.. How can I judge someone who falls back into temptation, when I did the same thing.. I know fatty foods are bad for me, they are slowly closing up an artery, they make me fat, they higher my cholesterol, and they make me feel drained! Yet, I was eating nothing but greens, fruits, nuts, and healthy consumption.. I feel more energetic, my pants were looser, and I had lost 9lbs!! After all the good I saw and felt, I still had the yearning for a blue berry muffin, my mouth still watered at the sight of pizza, & I would go crazy passing the sushi bars!
So, now rather than being so judgmental on drug addicts.. A part of me can understand.. If I feel so weak when it comes to something like food, can you imagine how hard it is for something more addicting like drugs and alcohol?
Something to think about...
I am jumping back on the bandwagon. I am going to try my best to workout daily, eat healthy, & make this positive change for me.. If I slip up here and there.. It's okay too. Eventually, I won't need it anymore.
"That's all I have to say about that...."
The one thing I'd say is, really, don't beat yourself up. It just makes things harder, and makes falling off more tempting.
I love the show Intervention too! Don't be too hard on yourself. The important thing is you picked yourself up and are going to continue moving forward.
it takes three weeks to make a habit and three days to break it. Scary hu? For me personaly, When i tried to go cold turkey on the eating habits, it was too much to take and i couldn't keep it up. Eventually, I decided to pick a few things to change every couple of weeks.Once i had those things under control, I added a few more. It helped me a lot to go at it a bit at a time.
You are doing great and you shouldn't feel bad about those little bumps in the road. Just keep getting up and getting back on the wagon.
Ummm, I have often said that I need an intervention from the show Intervention. Is it wrong to say that I am addicted to it? But seriously it has helped me understand addiction better and have a little more grace with folks stuggling with addiction.
Hey, Chris mentioned you were intesrested in getting Fertilitea. I bought mine from Fairhavenhealth dot com. Includes shipping. I love so far. Actually feel a difference.
If you want you can email me @ whiptailz at gmail dot com. Probably easier then checking all the comments! I'd like to know about your diet also!
I just found your blog and wanted to say good luck with the lifestyle change--it's not a diet! I think your head is in the right place regarding this change, but please don't beat yourself up too much when you slip up. The body needs a little change every now and then. What works for me is deciding 'what' it is I want the most and then treating myself with a SMALL portion of it. The portions in the USA are usually the size of 3-4 normal portions, so it's a matter of looking at things differently.
You can do it! And your life will be so much better for it.
PS--I love that show...
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