it's one of the cutest games I have played in a really long time. However, I don't look pretty shaking the crap out of my maracas..

I seriously look as though I am going through one serious seizure.. I have to admit, we had a lot of fun! Plus, I am sure our arms are going to get toned if we play it enough...
A friend of me recommended Fertilitea..

She said that the tea tastes great and that she has seen a difference.. So, of course I did the next best thing, I got online and ordered it.. Should be here by Monday, I am really excited.. Any little thing helps...
Everything is going well. I have my appointment with my OBGYN/midwife on Thursday the 26th. I am excited. I need to get the okay to proceed with my insemination that is 55 days away! I can't believe that.. Time is seriously flying me by.
I was just stopped mid-way through my blog because Michell felt it was important to point out the fact that I was not wearing my glasses.. I mean give me a little slack I just got them yesterday and I have never worn glasses in my life. So, needless to say I am getting used to the fact that I, Tory, need glasses when reading or sitting in front of the computer screen.*sigh*

That's all I really have to report.. Nothing too exciting is going on...
"That's all I have to say about that....."
Oh but who cares that you have to wear glasses when they look so damn cute on you!
55 days, that is going to fly by. You will be up in those stirrups before you know it.
awwww, thank you :) I won't be in stirrups anytime soon, we are doing in home inseminations first, if that fails we will definitely move it to a doctors office :) It certainly is moving by and so quickly too...
that is just one more reason I need to convince Mic that we need a wii... NEED ;)
This has sealed the deal....I must get a WII. I could totally shake some maracas!! I sorta geeked out on guitar hero over the holidays.
I hope the tea tastes good!
We recently purchased a Wii and are always looking for more games that are fun! I got this one yesterday and we loved it!! Thanks for the recommendation. Cute Glasses! Let me know what you think about the tea! Need all the help we can get!
I got my tea yesterday! I love how it tastes.. I tried responding to you directly but to no avail :(
Hey Tory, Thanks for letting me know my vlog wasn't working. It is now up and running, www.reallyimjustsaying.blogspot.com. Keeping my fingers crossed for baby!
hey, my email is gumprn@aol.com
and my blog is www.SiblingForOurGirl.blogspot.com
Try this for responding!! Glad u like the tea
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