Lets face it, it took a lot of blueberry muffins & cupcakes to get my body where I am today... I have never been one to snack on chips, so I can careless about the salty snacks.. My weakness is the ice cream and the pastries. I have had neither.
Do I feel a difference? yes, for starters I am always hungry. Do my clothes fit loosely? Yes, but that's besides the point. I have resorted to buying candles that smell like chocolate.

Ever seen movies where couples lite up a cigarette after a real intense love making session? Well, the same pertains here.. Except I lite up my candle after a really good dinner. I mean the kind that leaves me satisfied. Kind of feels as though I am getting my dessert :(
My newest addition is a hand cream that smells like chocolate..

My hands can't get any softer than they are now but I can't get enough of the stuff. The only problem is I want to eat my hands.... Enough about this...
Things are going well.. Jotting down my BBT every morning, continuing on with this diet for 66 more days, working out, taking my prenatals every morning, & staying healthy.
Gosh, I miss days like this....

"That is all I have to say about that..."
OHHH!!!! Chocolate smelling candles and lotion..
I never thought of that! What a great trick.. hm.. I wonder how many WW points the chocolate lotion is. harhar.
Thanks for your comment on my blog..I appreciate it :) good luck to you, too!!!
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